Why Social Media Marketing?
To some marketers, Social Media Marketingis just a buzzword with no significant meaning. But there are those out there, who after noticing the benefits of SMM clearly suggest it to be one of the most important tools in the current day marketing. Although, many pundits suggest that this craze for Social Media Marketing would die out soon, but till that happens, marketers are spending nights thinking of how to make their Social Media appeal more powerful.

As per Hubspot, 92% of marketers out there thought that Social Media Marketing was important and 80% of them said that Social Media was able to increase the website clicks by 80%. Although, these statistics suggest an obvious potential in using Social Media as a marketing tool, but many marketers do not completely understand its benefits. Some very well-known but neglected benefits are compiled below:
1. Inbound Traffic: With no use of social media, your inbound traffic is restricted to people who already know you or your brand and unless you are Apple or Adidas, not many would be familiar with you. Every media profile and each post that you make with a link to your company website may lead to 100’s of new visitors to your website. Not only will it be a mere increase in traffic, but it can lead to a massive increase in customers through lead generation. Digital Marketing
2. Marketing Costs: As per HubSpot, 84% marketers discovered that working for 6 hours per week on gives a significant increase in the traffic to your website. Advertisement options on Twitter and Facebook are also cheap, so you would always be within your budget.
3. Customer Insights: With increased interactions on Social Media, your knowledge of your customer’s tastes and perceptions gets bigger. This indeed helps you in targeting them better.
4. Brand Loyalty: Although of very uncommon knowledge, yet Social Media does lead to an increased Brand Loyalty. According to a research done by Convince and Convert, around 53% of customers who follow a brand remain loyal to it.
Hence, Social Media Marketing gives a lot of opportunities only if you know how to use this tool effectively.