Right Digital Marketing Tactics for Expected Results

As the festive season is keeping the digital marketers busy to un-roll new plans and strategies, the future of Digital Marketing seems challenging as well as exciting. After the stupendous success of Facebook and Twitter, now it is the Instagram which is attracting millions of netizens especially the young and lively people. Whereas Facebook Lookalike let them allow to interact with people who are similar to one’s custom audience list. Though, there are people who still prefer paid promotions on Facebook but paid promotions often reduce the interest of serious prospects.

Instead of paid promotion on Google and Facebook, businesses should prefer e-mail promotion. E-mailers and newsletters induce target audience to explore information, if the content is good and interactive then the reader will definitely read the whole story. He/she can also forward these e-mailers to friends and relatives. In fact e-mail marketing is the most cost effective way to communicate with the existing customers and prospects, it is embraced by majority of serious entrepreneurs in trade as well as in services.  

In addition to e-mailers, videos on YouTube and other social media sites is another interesting way to communicate with the target audience. Through videos one can easily define a concept and narrate a process and it also add authenticity to one’s claims and promises. These days people love to use smart phones and tablets and all these modern gadgets gives better experience with videos and interactive content. 

Blogs and articles always entice people who are bit literary and spend their spare time in reading news, articles, blogs and reports. This segment normally research a lot on the internet before buying a product or service. They are sensitive and a miscommunication with them can create a negative influence too, every business likes such kind of clients as they remain loyal once they got satisfied. A blogger or article writing should be smart enough to understand their need and always avoid eulogising the marketer’s services. These articles and blogs should be well written and unique as they help to improve the rank of marketers website too. Moreover, a blog can be posted on multiple locations and a link can also be created on the Facebook page.

To increase the traffic on your website and likes on social media sites, there is nothing more engaging than contests on Facebook and other sites. Contest ignite the curiosity of visitors and enhance their temptation to win exciting prizes. Many life-style and jewellery brands are running exciting contests on social media sites and are gaining popularity as well as business. Therefore, it is advisable to business people to cleverly craft digital marketing strategies in order to attain maximum returns from different tools and elements of social media.