A thousand of languages dying a slow death

A thousand of languages dying a slow death

Languages shape a culture, are the muse of art, and live deep under the skin of science. With over six thousand languages, multicultural world becomes a beautiful garden where every language and culture defines a community, a precious flower blooming and blossoming. As all flowers in the garden are not eternal, all languages, too, are not meant for eternity. And, this sad truth is marked by the death of Ouma Aenki Kassie in 2013 when the N|uu language of South Africa also died only to be never spoken again.

Language extinction is the phenomenon when the native speakers either die or […] Read more



With the inception of globalization, the world has shrunk into a global village where everything is intertwined with the Web making access seamlessly easy. Digitalisation has ushered in the internet which enables people to connect with someone who is located poles apart. Having said that, it does not negate the presence of several barriers to efficient communication, language being an essential one. The diverse world is home to several languages and it is impossible for every person to master each language making translation technologies and services imperative.Putting across an idea, understanding the message and overall communication is hampered due to […] Read more

Anomalies of translation won’t last long…

Anomalies of translation won’t last long…

Translation has long been part of the literature facet, but it has always been problematic when the texts were converted from one language to another. Talking about India only, let’s take into consideration our mother tongue, Hindi’s translation into English literature. The immense beauty of Hindi withholds several ways of depicting the same text in different emotions through its various tools like muhawre (Idioms) and lokukti (Proverbs) which mostly gets falsely depicted by other languages. Every other language holds their tools which other literary aesthetics won’t be able to do justice due to their respective socio-cultural context. Thus, professionals working […] Read more

How can you improve literary translations?

How can you improve literary translations?

Literary translation is a challenge tough to overcome for the language translators. Even the best of best language translators in Delhi, often, fall short of words and expressions to retain the essence of original literary work of art. When talking about the intricacies involved in the entire process of translation and recreation, Robert Frost’s popular quote cannot miss the sight. He rightly says, “Poetry is what gets lost in translation” because the original beauty of the poem is either further refined or shadowed by the self-imposed constraints of the translator. It seldom remains the same as the original.

Keeping the nitty-gritty […] Read more

Masterful Study of Translation as Creative Writing

Masterful Study of Translation as Creative Writing

`All translators are writers! How many times you’ve come across this phrase? The best language translators in Delhi believe that translators and writers are the two sides of the same coin. Both are bound by one string— the act of writing. Be it a case of creative writing or the specialized, the act of writing and creating makes one a translator or a writer. Creative writing is nothing but a translational process. Much like translation, creative writing is all about the textual transformation or materialization of thoughts, imagination, and artistry. Creative writing and translation—both are stimulating processes. Every fragment of […] Read more

Business World Seeks an Immense Importance of Translation in the International Trade

The world has been fragmented into 195 countries. Egalitarianism, Congeniality and Empathy, all are far-fetched things now. We need to restore these humane values for the sake of peace, prosperity and Progress. We need to convert miseries into mirth, threats into opportunities and restrictions into a blissful freedom. But, without global unity and harmony, we can just dream about a better world as we have been doing this for ages.

For consistent and productive relationships, a global organisation must have a receptive approach in the adaptation of resources and culture, be it the compliance of international business policies or the commencement of its services in a newly discovered market. For global companies, it is must to have – a multinational, multicultural and universal footprint in an organization. Due to whirling of the internet; international markets and small businesses have come relatively close to the small and large organizations.

Imagine a world where there are plentiful of languages but nobody can speak the second language. A world where the language sounds as an alien to others and the culture remains inert. Communication plays a vital role in sustaining vigorous relationships. In order to understand each other well, we need to get acquainted with the non-natives and their languages.

Professional translators owns a solution to this

An  effective communication is efficient. Professional translators can spread the message in a beautiful and creative way. They possess the intricate meanings of the language and provide productive means of communication. They have a strong knowledge of  both native and non- native language

Professional translators are ingenious they communicate the parallel message without any subversion or perversion. Their creative art is profoundly expressive in their work. They represent “unfeigned” messages.

It is through them that we can build healthy and sound relationships with other countries. They  help in  rapid growth of the business world  by communicating messages in a productive way and play a major role in economic growth and development. An organization will certainly entail professional translator to make their products and services familiar with non-native countries. This will help them to achieve growth in their respective firms and perpetuates globalized world.

Maintaining a long term relationship with translation agencies

We should maintain good relationships with translation agencies where we can find skilled translators who will help us to communicate with foreign countries. The professional translators convey the essence and the crux of the message and thereby make businesses and communications hassle free.

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Accents Of A Legal Translation

Famous American author of the 19th century; Mark Twain once said,” The difference between the right word and the almost right word is really a large matter — it’s the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” Correct translation in itself is a very challenging job, but translation of a legal document has been always a gargantuan task for professional translators. A common misconception in the legal translation is that each word can be substituted by another word, which is not exactly the case. 
Laws vary from country to country, a translator must have sound knowledge of the country’s laws a document belongs to. A legal document is a priced text which contains a blend of legal and technical terms. An expert translator of the legal documents understands the requirements of the client. He/she must possess a bachelor’s degree in at least two international and a degree in law will be a desired qualification. A translator must maintain high standards in interpreting and translating legal translation both in the source and target language. 
Source matter can be very confusing due to law terminologies. It is the most typical area for those who are totally unfamiliar with a country’s legal framework. Besides, a translator must ensure that the translated document keeps stress on the message that is highlighted in the original text.
Last but not the least, One should always hire a government recognised enterprise that provides certified translation services, focusing even on the minute details of a document. Various government agencies demand only certified translation before validating a document for official use. Certificate of authenticity on company’s letterhead authenticate a translation and such work can be produced before local as well as international courts, embassies and in all the government recognised institutes or offices. These are some of the core benefits of hiring a professional translation agency.

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How Much Valuable The Website Translation Services Are?

Translation service is useful in ample range of conditions. Global traders need translators to translate promotion resources, pacts, guidebooks, and other credentials, while law firms with multiracial or cosmopolitan clients also have lots of legal agreements and documents that need to be translated. Individuals who fancy to commune expressively with their international friends may also want to have their messages and inscriptions interpreted. As more and more people are using the Internet and conceptualizing the content-rich websites, there is a superior need for translation of web content as well. 
Why do businesses need to translate their websites?
Internet addicts fancy visiting websites that proffer a lot of useful information, for the reason that such websites allow them to discover more about certain areas of interest and make well-informed selections when they are making purchases. If your website has abundance of information that is advantageous to your target patrons, it will logically generate a larger number of engagements and visits. On the other hand, if the content in your website is only written in English, you can only focus people who can comprehend the jargon. Even if English is the most familiar and recognized language on the Internet, it is only one of the many lingos that are used by Internet clients. Billions of user’s commune in other languages, which can array from Spanish to Chinese, and you will not be able to put forth to these people if you only have English texts and articles in your website. Some foreign-language orators may ensue to come across your website, but they will not squander a long time or make purchases there if they do not comprehend the information that is provided in your website.
Translation is the approach to make your website more tempting to foreign language speakers. If you are keen to put in time and money to decipher the content in your website into some other words, you will be able to put forth to millions of new prospective customers. For better understanding realize the fact that, there are currently close to 500 million Internet users in China, and you can vividly inflate the potential of your online business by translating your web content into Chinese. You can make your website even more worldwide engaging by translating the content into some other popular languages of the world too, such as Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Japanese, etc. The greatest objective here is to choose languages that are used in countries where your goods or services can be highly adored.

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