Boosting online platform traffic with language translation services

Boosting online platform traffic with language translation services

Cyberspace knows no geographical boundaries, yet language remains a formidable barrier that divides and limits the reach of online platforms. In an era where connectivity transcends borders, catering solely to an English-speaking audience seems archaic and shortsighted. Acknowledging this paradigm shift, website owners embrace the transformative potential of language translation services worldwide. Through the strategic integration of multilingual content, they are expanding their market horizons and nurturing a more immersive user experience, thus catalyzing an exponential surge in online traffic.


Language translation services have emerged as a vital tool for expanding market reach and providing superior user experiences. Despite over half of global websites […] Read more

What SEO is all about?

What SEO is all about?

Have you ever thought when you enter a search query in your search engine, why some websites are on the top and others come later on? What is the process of ranking the websites? It is all because of a powerful web marketing technique called Search Engine Optimization or SEO as it is widely known. SEO helps the search engine to find your site and rank it higher than millions of other sites in response to a search query.

You need to understand one simple fact: Most of the people don’t scroll past the first three or four websites related to their queries. At maximum, they can search a page or two but not more than that. That is why SEO services are referred as king-maker in the startup ecosystem. A startup that nail SEO win, and those disregarding it lose.

Search Engines have two major functions: crawling and building an index, and providing search users with a ranked list of the websites they’ve determined are the most relevant.

1.      Crawling and Indexing: The search engines automated robots called crawlers or spiders go through the Web to see what is there. They use the links as a path to reach the site. Once the engines find these pages, they decipher the code from them and store selected pieces in massive databases, to be recalled later when needed for a search query.

2.      Providing answers: When a person performs an online search, the search engine scours its billions of documents and does two things: first, it returns only those results that are relevant or useful to the query; second, it ranks those results according to the popularity of the websites serving the information.

Keep in mind great content is the only thing that is going to help you earn useful and credible links. Links, links and links are the only things that matter in the SEO services. More the number of links more are the chance of getting noticed and earning popularity. It is both relevance and popularity that the process of SEO is meant to influence. 

Top PR Agency in Delhi | Digitla Marketing Agency in delhi | Seo Company in Delhi […] Read more

PR industry: The rising star

PR industry: The rising star

Even if the profession is almost a century old in the country, it didn’t get that respect and recognition like the other participants involved in the marketing process. This is so because of the fact that critics see PR as a fabricator organizing favorable media coverage for undesirable people and causes. But not the roles are changing, from being the supporting helper slowly and steadily the industry is taking the center stage meant for it.

According to a survey conducted by the Associated Chamber of commerce and Industry in India (Assocham, 2012), the PR industry in India is growing at an annual rate of 32 percent. There are hundreds of PR consultancies but not all are good. Here are the qualities that the best PR agencies have:

1.      Have good reputation: Biggest one need not be the best one always.  While selecting, eliminate any PR agencies that could take advantage of you or that don’t have a lot of experience behind them. When in doubt, ask other companies that have worked with the PR agencies you’re considering.

2.      Get to know their clients: You should never work with a PR agency that tries to rush through the getting- to know- you phase. Any high-quality PR firmwill want to spend time getting to know your business and your audience so the team can do their job as best as possible.

3.      Have active social media presence: See if they can actually back its claim of expertise by checking out the firm’s blog and social media profiles. Great PR agencies aren’t afraid to give up some free information—they know that that’s the best way to show their expertise and attract clients.

4.       Test knowledge of trends: Knowing the ins and outs of marketing and advertising means keeping up with trends and spotting new trends being formed. Make sure that any PR agency you choose is always up-to-date with the latest news and information.

5.      Are well connected: Great PR agencies have impressive lists of connections. How much a PR agency can help you greatly depends on their own network of people and businesses.

At its core, public relations revolve around the universal truth: people act based upon their perception of facts. With a good story we can manage, control and influence people’s perceptions and achieve our goals.  The better the story, the better is the acceptance by the public and the better the public relations.

Best PR Agency in Delhi | Digitla Marketing Services in Delhi | Social Media Services in Delhi […] Read more

Content Influences Social Media Marketing

With rapid socio-economic developments and innovative technology business in India has transformed itself across all the industries. Whether a small independent store owner or a large entrepreneur all are going through a drastic change. Most of the industries are flourishing in present times, be it health & fitness, FMCG, retail, telecommunication, beauty, food, biotechnology or F&B.
The advent of M-commerce, smart phone users are using mobile apps for buying, purchasing or selling. It has taken a big leap over E-commerce format. Quick shipping, easy Wi-Fi connections and the numerous mobile apps available in the web world make it easy to burgeon. Using online tools and technology, businesses are expanding their reach even in the remote areas with the help of franchises and business associates. This is the easiest way to create a dynamic eco-system for the entrepreneurs, clients, stakeholders, franchises, associates and others, directly or indirectly involved with a business.
Businesses in full swing are incorporating mobile into all areas of their digital promotion. For mobile website users they have come up with an entirely approachable website, mobile ads, and content.Brands, now understand the importance of social media and advertising. It will sharply increase the social media ad spend. Businesses must generate social media marketing strategies as per audience’s mobile lifestyle and putting additional importance on video and visual content that’s straightforwardly consumed via mobile.
SEO used to be a race between Google and search marketers. Now, they will be coming up with some new techniques to position them on a higher rank. Perpetually, content marketing has the market greater than ever in India.Content Marketing has been described by several as the “amalgamation of SEO and SMO” which is somewhat accurate. SEO and content marketingwill prolong as two separate but entwined disciplines that rely on each other for success. Content is the chief influencer of social media marketing. Businesses that don’t invest in a rock-hard content strategy will discover that their SEO campaigns are ineffective, at best, and damaging to their search visibility, at worst.  
As marketers go on with the profit of their content strategy, capital beforehand was kept for search engines; pay per click, SEO and social media will also be re-allocated to content marketing efforts. The major difficulty for them would be standing out amidst attention seeking content, case studies, video content, research-intensive content, and others give businesses an advantage over their competitors. Trends could keep varying with transient time, so, plunge into the change and move with it.

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Content Influences Social Media Marketing

With rapid socio-economic developments and innovative technology business in India has transformed itself across all the industries. Whether a small independent store owner or a large entrepreneur all are going through a drastic change. Most of the industries are flourishing in present times, be it health & fitness, FMCG, retail, telecommunication, beauty, food, biotechnology or F&B.
The advent of M-commerce, smart phone users are using mobile apps for buying, purchasing or selling. It has taken a big leap over E-commerce format. Quick shipping, easy Wi-Fi connections and the numerous mobile apps available in the web world make it easy to burgeon. Using online tools and technology, businesses are expanding their reach even in the remote areas with the help of franchises and business associates. This is the easiest way to create a dynamic eco-system for the entrepreneurs, clients, stakeholders, franchises, associates and others, directly or indirectly involved with a business.
Businesses in full swing are incorporating mobile into all areas of their digital promotion. For mobile website users they have come up with an entirely approachable website, mobile ads, and content.Brands, now understand the importance of social media and advertising. It will sharply increase the social media ad spend. Businesses must generate social media marketing strategies as per audience’s mobile lifestyle and putting additional importance on video and visual content that’s straightforwardly consumed via mobile.
SEO used to be a race between Google and search marketers. Now, they will be coming up with some new techniques to position them on a higher rank. Perpetually, content marketing has the market greater than ever in India.Content Marketing has been described by several as the “amalgamation of SEO and SMO” which is somewhat accurate. SEO and content marketingwill prolong as two separate but entwined disciplines that rely on each other for success. Content is the chief influencer of social media marketing. Businesses that don’t invest in a rock-hard content strategy will discover that their SEO campaigns are ineffective, at best, and damaging to their search visibility, at worst.  
As marketers go on with the profit of their content strategy, capital beforehand was kept for search engines; pay per click, SEO and social media will also be re-allocated to content marketing efforts. The major difficulty for them would be standing out amidst attention seeking content, case studies, video content, research-intensive content, and others give businesses an advantage over their competitors. Trends could keep varying with transient time, so, plunge into the change and move with it.

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