Masterful Study of Translation as Creative Writing

Masterful Study of Translation as Creative Writing

`All translators are writers! How many times you’ve come across this phrase? The best language translators in Delhi believe that translators and writers are the two sides of the same coin. Both are bound by one string— the act of writing. Be it a case of creative writing or the specialized, the act of writing and creating makes one a translator or a writer. Creative writing is nothing but a translational process. Much like translation, creative writing is all about the textual transformation or materialization of thoughts, imagination, and artistry. Creative writing and translation—both are stimulating processes. Every fragment of […] Read more

Sharing social goodness through social media

Sharing social goodness through social media

Social media, a place usually referred to as a casual space for friends, families, long-lost colleagues and miles- away sitting pals to share almost anything from news, videos, images to live updates have steadily got a professional upgrade, too. With advertisements to job opportunities, industrial insights to upcoming innovations and professional developments getting it all available on the various social media portals like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many more, life has been brought at great ease. Both the professional and personal outlooks of people have been brought to a new and better-defined version but still, there’s a lot more that […] Read more

Getting Your Story Out through Effective Storytelling

Getting Your Story Out through Effective Storytelling

Has your boss ever screamed for more media coverage, despite your best performance? At some point, s/he might have. In spite of showing such dedication, there are times when we get urgent requests from our bosses. As communication professionals, we constantly follow up with editors and reporters so that they recognize and publish our clients’ work. So, what’s the best way to achieve more coverage in media?

Gone are the days when we could completely rely on earned media to publish our clients’ name on big platforms. However, in today’s media world, pitching editors and reporters is not an easy task. […] Read more

The New Rules of PR

The New Rules of PR

Although Traditional PR and the third party ink will always remain highly important for any given business until the newspapers go out of print, yet adopting the newer form of PR approaches has become inevitable.  The online world has grown as never before and being invisible on the digital platform may make you invisible to opportunities.  
The concept of making other influencing channels talk about you to derive benefit for your brand image is core methodology of PR, but the tactics to achieve this have changed. The role of the journalists has been taken over by bloggers and influencers. Subject matter expects are the new luminaries. And this modern trend has been capitalized upon well by smart marketers. 
It is probably very wise to say that a lot of businesses have an online presence, but is that presence really worthwhile? Unless, the mediums are used well, and strategies are conceived properly, no benefits can be sought from this presence. The presence of you company on the web can be viewed from three angles; Owned Media, Earned Media and the Paid Media.  Out of these three, the Earned Media is what we are more interested in from the PR perspective. 
After you set up your digital destinations across channels, which forms your owned media, it is not of use unless people are directed to it. Search engines play an important role in getting traffic, but to really make an appeal to the consumer, something different is needed. The audience will not listen to you speak about yourself. People would need other bloggers, influencers and critics speak about you. Now to motivate them is the real deal!
Your Public Relations activities should revolve around strategizing communications that would interest bloggers and influencers who are not interested in cold e-mailed press releases pitching to cover your brands and products.   Bloggers often times do not write about what doesn’t interest them, so unless you are able to create that interest and sensation around your company or events, modern day PR might not be your cup of tea. In that case most of the marketers cover their inefficiency by asking influencers and bloggers to cover them by paying hefty amounts of money, and in such cases it is not PR despite getting a 3rd party endorser. 

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The Colors of Brands

Last week while going down through my LinkedIn profile, I found an informative post by Oglivy. The post was about brands and colors. It associated different colors that brands have used over a period of time, to the creation of certain feelings around them. I wondered if that really was the case. For me personally, brand is a perception on its own. Whatever associates with it, is associated with the initial feelings about the brand. So, feelings about the brands may not be influenced by the colors, but the feelings about a certain color may be changed or rather manipulated by their association with these brands. 

Well, my perception about the brand might not be as is yours, but there is a certain general perception that would be very similar. With this in mind, I would agree with the post to some extent and say that, yes to a certain degree a color may influence a brand image. For me products make and crush brands and products create the feel of a brand.  Well whatever be the case; let’s see what Oligvy believe are the colors that are used for creating certain emotions.

Red: They are used by brands to create a sense of urgency. Brands that want to present them as powerful, passionate and exciting use this color.

Blue: Calm, honest, caring, trustworthy and logical are the strings attached to this color. Brands seem to have capitalized well on the feelings it pushes forth.

Yellow: When a brand is fun, friendly, optimistic and confident, they opt for the color yellow. It is also used to grab attention or to warn.

Green:  It is shown to portray youthfulness, refreshment, care for the environment, and growth. Sometimes it is also used as a call to action.

Orange: Do you want to energize your audience, go orange! It is also used to create a sense of haste and seem affordable.

Pink: From sweetness to sexiness, you can depict various emotions all depending on the shade used.

Brown: It depicts warmth and dependability.

Purple: Create feelings of warmth, richness, luxury, creativity as well as producing nostalgic feelings.

Black: This signifies luxury, exclusivity, sophistication, authority and encourages impulse based purchases.

White: Constantly used to signify purity, cleanliness, simplicity and freedom.

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Why Social Media Marketing?

To some marketers, Social Media Marketingis just a buzzword with no significant meaning. But there are those out there, who after noticing the benefits of SMM clearly suggest it to be one of the most important tools in the current day marketing. Although, many pundits suggest that this craze for Social Media Marketing would die out soon, but till that happens, marketers are spending nights thinking of how to make their Social Media appeal more powerful.

As per Hubspot, 92% of marketers out there thought that Social Media Marketing was important and 80% of them said that Social Media was able to increase the website clicks by 80%. Although, these statistics suggest an obvious potential in using Social Media as a marketing tool, but many marketers do not completely understand its benefits. Some very well-known but neglected benefits are compiled below:

1.     Inbound Traffic: With no use of social media, your inbound traffic is restricted to people who already know you or your brand and unless you are Apple or Adidas, not many would be familiar with you. Every media profile and each post that you make with a link to your company website may lead to 100’s of new visitors to your website. Not only will it be a mere increase in traffic, but it can lead to a massive increase in customers through lead generation. Digital Marketing 

2.     Marketing Costs: As per HubSpot, 84% marketers discovered that working for 6 hours per week on gives a significant increase in the traffic to your website. Advertisement options on Twitter and Facebook are also cheap, so you would always be within your budget.

3.     Customer Insights: With increased interactions on Social Media, your knowledge of your customer’s tastes and perceptions gets bigger. This indeed helps you in targeting them better.

4.     Brand Loyalty: Although of very uncommon knowledge, yet Social Media does lead to an increased Brand Loyalty. According to a research done by Convince and Convert, around 53% of customers who follow a brand remain loyal to it. 

Hence, Social Media Marketing gives a lot of opportunities only if you know how to use this tool effectively.  

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