A Perfect Public Relations Campaign for Internal Audience

Public Relations Professionals spend immense time talking about how they should communicate externally. They generally talk about engaging outside consultants, disseminating news releases and pitching stories to the media or industry, and indulge too much so that they often overlook their most influential and most valuable asset constituents inside the company- their internal audience. 
Communication with internal audience, including employees, board members, directors or association members is an imperative consideration for a PR agency to become more successful. Every employee wants to be informed about the product developments, team success celebrations, and other changes in the organization. By paying equal attention to your staff members and valuing their opinions, you will actually motivate them, make them feel valued and become a trustworthy resource that will lead to more dedicated and productive members of staff.
With the help of the following methods of communicating with internal audience, you can develop a sense of pride and instil a sense of belonging in employees.
Have an Open Communication
The best method to make your employees feel valued is simply by talking with them. Consistent and clear communication with the staff members helps set a company apart from its competitors as it is useful in creating a cohesive work environment. You can give them a better understanding of the organization’s goals and operations.
Communicating positive developments with employees boost their morale and encourage them to work harder, and contribute directly to an organization’s success. Moreover, you can empower employees to spread good news about the brand to their social networks. But make sure that the employees should not share the trade secrets outside the organization. For this, you can make them sign the non disclosure agreement.
Disseminate Information
Apart from direct communication, you can share information to everyone across an organization through various methods:
·         Information-Rich Intranet Sites: This is an ideal way to quickly inform employees about upcoming programs/releases, plans, PR successes, and even failures. Intranets make it easy to access details, forms and resources that are useful for them. Public Relations Services
·         Printed or E-Newsletters: Sending news update via e-mail or printed newsletter regularly keeps the members of the staff informed about what is happening in the wider organization and allows them to involve in the process. If possible, provide employees printed newsletter as many of them would like to hold and take it home.
Be a Good Listener
To encourage strong relationships between company managers and employees, it is vital to listen to them attentively along with communicate. Listening is the key to great communication. For a successful PR campaign, you should provide a forum that allows employees to ask candid questions- and receive candid answers, express their issues then have them addressed honestly, share innovative and creative ideas- then see them implemented. It is said that employees who have a voice serve as the most enthusiastic brand ambassadors, both externally and internally.
An effective and honest internal communication allows employees to trust on the organization and encourage them to work more dedicatedly. Every committed employee prefers to work for companies that are transparent in their practices and goals.  By communicating on a daily basis, company workers will be able to put major organizational changes and developments, declarations, events and news in the right context.