A thousand of languages dying a slow death

A thousand of languages dying a slow death

Languages shape a culture, are the muse of art, and live deep under the skin of science. With over six thousand languages, multicultural world becomes a beautiful garden where every language and culture defines a community, a precious flower blooming and blossoming. As all flowers in the garden are not eternal, all languages, too, are not meant for eternity. And, this sad truth is marked by the death of Ouma Aenki Kassie in 2013 when the N|uu language of South Africa also died only to be never spoken again.

Language extinction is the phenomenon when the native speakers either die or […] Read more



With the inception of globalization, the world has shrunk into a global village where everything is intertwined with the Web making access seamlessly easy. Digitalisation has ushered in the internet which enables people to connect with someone who is located poles apart. Having said that, it does not negate the presence of several barriers to efficient communication, language being an essential one. The diverse world is home to several languages and it is impossible for every person to master each language making translation technologies and services imperative.Putting across an idea, understanding the message and overall communication is hampered due to […] Read more